Well, the other night I was out on the back porch cooking, Lisette was going to the back yard to swing, she turns to me flapping her arms like a chicken and says
"Dad, how come the muscles in my arm pits hurt when I swing on the swing?"
I said "I'm not sure honey"
Two seconds later Therese looks at me, I could see the wheels turing in her head, trying to understand what Lisette asked so she can re-ask the same question, she turns to me and asks
"Yeah, dad, why do the nuckles in my arm pits hurt when I swing on the swing?"
I just smiled and said "I don't know why".
That's adorable.
Personally, I think it's rude to crack your armpits in public... but that's just me.
It is kinda rude... If it were even possible!
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